Home > AJAX, IIS, Programming > Security Exception when using AJAX Control Toolkit on Server 2008

Security Exception when using AJAX Control Toolkit on Server 2008

I am using the AJAX Control Toolkit for its tab UI and my compile and link cycles came and went without incident on my Vista development machine.  However when I deployed to our integrated unit test environment on Server 2008, I got the following error when accessing the page with tabs:

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type ‘System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089’ failed.  Here is a screen shot for reference.


I did a lot of checking and I found articles that involved accessing the AJAX Control Toolkit on a different machine, but that was not my issue.  After publishing via Visual Studio to our server, all dll’s were in their normal folders.

The solution was to change one of the defaults on the application pool for this website.  The value is under the Process Model section in Advanced Settings and is Load User Profile.  By default it is set to false which will emulate IIS6 behavior of not loading the user profile for the application pool identity.  Setting it to true solved the problem.


That was it. Make sure you recycle your application pool and restart your web site.

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